
VІth Meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit
of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes

Inga Kramarenko – Chief Specialist of the Agricultural Industry, Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Control Department, the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine

Liliya Prudyvus – Chief Specialist of the Agricultural Industry, Natural Resources Use and Environmental Protection Control Department, the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine

Inga Kramarenko – Chief Specialist of the Agricultural Industry, Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Control Department, the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine

Viktor Bogun – Member of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine


Seminar of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit
of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes on the topic
“Prevention of man-made disasters: three steps in the future”

Mr. Mykhailo Grodzynskiy – Doctor of Science (Geography), Head of Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Edward Ganda H. Simanjuntak – Senior Advisor on Environment and Sustainable Development, the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia

Mrs. Arife Cosckun – Principal Auditor-Audit Manager, Turkish Court of Accounts