Working meeting with the EUROSAI WGEA Coordinator in Lviv

January 26, 2006

The delegation of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine headed by Mr. Volodymyr Pershyn, First Deputy Chairman met with EUROSAI WGEA Coordinator, Plenipotentiary for International Audits Mr. Zbigniew Wesołowski and his colleague auditor Ms. Ewa Borkowska-Domańska from NIK in Lviv on January 26, 2006.

Agenda of the meeting was to discuss:

1. a final version of the Terms of Reference of the EUROSAI WGEA Special Subgroup on the Audit of Natural, Man-caused Disasters Consequences and Radioactive Wastes Elimination - initiative of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine;

2. an action plan suggested by the SAI of Ukraine regarding conducting international coordinated parallel audit of the donor and contributor funds allocated for eliminating the effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant catastrophe.

Following discussions, the parties agreed on the final version of the Terms of References with major comments and propositions of interested SAIs. It is expected that this document will be placed on EUROSAI WGEA web site.

The auditors negotiated that above mentioned audit will be initiated in 2007 after completing required preparatory and coordination work with prospective SAI-participants and signing Joint Position on Cooperation between concerned parties in 2006.

For more details see information placed on EUROSAI WGEA website.