I Meeting of the EUROSAI Task Force

23.02.2009 16:14

I Meeting of the newly established EUROSAI Task Force on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes is scheduled for March 1718, 2009 in Kyiv which will be attended by 17 SAIs.

The Accounting Chamber of Ukraine as the Task Force Chair has prepared and disseminated among the member SAIs the draft Terms of Reference and 2009−2011 Work Plan to be discussed and approved during the Meeting. The Meeting Agenda incorporates 3 plenary sessions on the issues dealing with the past and the future of natural and man-caused disasters in Europe, roles of national governments and international organizations in preventing and eliminating the consequences of such negative phenomena, as well as the SAIsґ activities in this area.

In addition, Ukrainian national authorities and international organizations are invited to participate. Though tie-up agenda, this Meeting is expected to be an informative and cognitive event with the presentations of the key-note speakers and national SAIs.

For any further information please contact the EUROSAI Task Force Secretariat at tel. +38 (044) 2060755 or by e-mail ird@ac-rada.gov.ua.