“The priority of the Accounting Chamber is to promote the recovery of Ukraine”: Olha Pishchanska at the meeting of the Heads of SAIs of “Visegrad Group (V4 + 2)”

26.06.2024 12:16

The main priority of the Accounting Chamber in 2025 will be to promote the effective recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine, while this year the main focus is on security and finance. This was stated by the Chairwoman of the Accounting Chamber, Olha Pishchanska, in her speech during the during the Annual meeting of the Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions “Visegrad Group (V4 + 2)”.

The event took place on June 24-25 in the city of Graz (Austria). It was attended by the Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions of Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and the Czech Republic as permanent members of the association. SAIs of Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro are represented at the event as observers. The theme of this year’s meeting of the Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions “Next Generation”. Therefore, the main focus of the event was on the challenges facing SAIs, the contribution of auditors to improving the quality of life of citizens, the use of the latest technologies and possible risks that need to be paid attention to at the stage of their implementation.

Olha Pishchanska informed the partners about the peculiarities of the work of the Accounting Chamber, the main priorities and challenges that the institution is currently facing:

- limited funding;

- the need to increase the level of implementation of the recommendations of the Accounting Chamber;

- security and access to information;

- the need for reform in the conditions of martial law.

The Accounting Chamber effectively solves these issues, in particular, with the support of colleagues from the SAIs of the countries that are part of the Visegrad Group (V4+2), Olga Pishchanska emphasized.

According to her, in 2024 the institution focused on audits in the defense, security, financial and social spheres and on the activities of strategically important industries and institutions. The priority for 2025 is audits related to the process of restoration and reconstruction of Ukraine.

“As expected, we will concentrate our attention on the audits of the funds of international partners that go to rebuild the country and support the social sphere”, Olha Pishchanska said.

Also, during the meeting, members of the association shared their practical experience of working within the priorities of their SAIs. In particular, they talked about the influence of the Supreme Audit Institutions on the management of the public debt, on the achievement of certain goals of the state policy, the experience of using artificial intelligence in the audit process, etc.


The association “Visegrad Group (V4 + 2)” is a powerful regional entity within the EU. The activities of the quartet are aimed at the development of Central Europe, both at the level of regional cooperation and the EU in general.