The Project "Strengthening Capacities in External Audit in Line with International Standards (EU4ACU)" has been completed

30.09.2024 17:23

Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Accounting Chamber and assisting its specialists in the process of transition to the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) was the main objective of the Project "Strengthening Capacities in External Audit in Line with International Standards (EU4ACU)", which operated for four years: from September 2020 to 27 September 2024. 

At the closing ceremony, Olha Pishchanska, Chairwoman of the Accounting Chamber, thanked the project leaders and experts for their professional assistance, fruitful cooperation and support in the implementation of international standards. She noted that the work of the Project had continued despite the pandemic and the outbreak of full-scale war.

“Our joint work has not only improved the practice of state financial control but has also significantly increased the level of transparency and efficiency of the Accounting Chamber. As a result of this cooperation, the Accounting Chamber now applies International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions in its activities and has improved its approaches to planning and conducting audits. Together with our experts, we have been able to develop new strategies that will allow us to carry out deeper and better control over the use of public funds,” said Olha Pishchanska.

Also at the meeting, Stefan Schleuning, Head of Cooperation Programmes at the EU Delegation to Ukraine, drew attention to the significant results achieved by the Accounting Chamber during the Project and thanks to the work of the Chairwoman and the Members of the institution. In particular, he highlighted the progress made in developing new audit approaches and methods.

Team Leader of the EU4ACU Project Inguna Sudraba thanked the staff of the Accounting Chamber for their active participation in the change process and stressed the interest of the partners in ensuring that the Accounting Chamber is fully equipped with the proper tools to perform the functions of the Supreme Audit Institution.

In general, over the four years of the Project's operation, its experts provided support in various areas of the Accounting Chamber's work: development of audit methodologies, implementation of risk-based process management, development of a quality management system, development of performance management strategies and impact assessment, strategic and annual planning, creation of the auditor competence system, training programmes, etc.

Project experts were also involved as consultants in more than twenty audits. This significantly strengthened the capacity of the institution's specialists and brought the audits of the Accounting Chamber to a new level.

Also, with the support of the Project more than 260 auditors of the Accounting Chamber have completed 69 trainings in Ukraine and abroad.

For reference: "Strengthening Capacities in External Audit in Line with International Standards (EU4ACU)"  is a Project funded by the European Union and implemented by DAI, which aims to ensure more effective oversight of public resources by strengthening the capacity of the Accounting Chamber to conduct external audits of budget funds.