Delegations of SAIs of EUROSAI member countries visited the destruction caused by the war and got acquainted with the objects of reconstruction in the Kyiv region

05.06.2024 14:28

On June 4, the delegations of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the leadership of the Accounting Chamber and the Kyiv Regional Military Administration visited the places of hostilities, destroyed residential areas and infrastructure facilities, as well as houses and institutions already restored at the expense of foreign partners.

In particular, in the village of Moshchun, Buchan district, Kyiv region, foreign guests visited the “Angels of Victory” Memorial, dedicated to the defenders of Kyiv region. Together with European colleagues, the Chairwoman of the Accounting Chamber Olha Pishchanska, the leadership of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration and the leaders of the local community honored the memory of the soldiers who died in the battles for Moshchun. According to the headman of the village, Vadym Zherdetsky, the soldiers of the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade were the first to come to the rescue. Then 118 people died in the fighting.

June 4 – the Day of commemoration of the children who died as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. On the territory of the memorial, visitors viewed a thematic exhibition of paintings and left mourning symbols.

The leaders of the European SAIs also had the opportunity to inspect the AN-225 “Mriya” transport plane destroyed by the aggressor’s shelling and other damaged objects in Kyiv region, in particular, the half-destroyed residential quarters of the village of Borodyanka as a result of the shelling.

Borodyanka leader Iryna Zakharchenko told the foreign guests about the process of reconstruction of the village, in particular those projects financed by the countries representing the delegations. The participants visited the Borodyanka Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation, which was destroyed by the Russian occupying forces and fully restored and put into operation. The center is equipped with the financial assistance of the Lithuanian government. Director of the Center Lyudmila Boyko introduced the guests its functionality, noting that a complex of psychosocial rehabilitation services is provided here not only to veterans and their family members, but also to civilians affected by the war.

Next to the Center there is a Lithuanian-Ukrainian school, rebuilt after the destruction also at the expense of Lithuania, and a modular town, built at the expense of Lithuania and Poland. The town is currently inhabited by displaced persons from Luhansk, Donetsk, Mariupol, Kherson, as well as residents of Borodyanka, whose homes were destroyed during the occupation.

In the end, the heads of six European SAIs visited the exposition of the museum of the Russian-Ukrainian war in Borodyanka and joined the volunteers who weave camouflage nets for the front.

The Accounting Chamber expresses its gratitude to the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, in particular to its head, Ruslan Kravchenko, for his assistance in organizing the trip of foreign guests to the region.

From 2 to 4 June, the President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic Miloslav Kala, the Auditor General of the National Audit Office of the Republic of Estonia Janar Holm, the Auditor General of the State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia Edgars Korčagins, the Auditor General of the Republic of Lithuania Mindaugas Macijauskas, the President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic Lubomír Andrašsy and the Vice President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Poland Jacek Kozlowski, were visiting Ukraine.

On June 3, the foreign partners met with the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk and the representatives of the Committees of the Verkhovna Rada. The members of the delegation also held a meeting with the members of the Accounting Chamber and its staff.