XII EUROSAI Congress: the mandate of the Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes was extended for three years

27.05.2024 18:51

On May 27, the XIIth Congress of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) took a decision to extend the mandate of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes. The Congress also decided to continue the chairmanship of the Accounting Chamber (Ukraine) in the Working Group, approved the Activity Report of the Working Group for 2021-2024 and its Strategic Plan for 2024-2027.

Earlier on the same day, during the 61st meeting of the EUROSAI Governing Board, the Chairwoman of the Accounting Chamber, Olga Pishchanska, in particular, emphasized the importance of joint efforts of SAIs to develop new approaches to conducting audits.

“I want to emphasize that the large-scale global crisis associated with the emergence and spread of COVID-19 and the military aggression of the Russian Federation has once again proven that one is not a warrior in the field. We continue this fight only by pooling knowledge, efforts and resources. We will promote the same approach during the next three years in the activities of the Working Group. We are aiming at: expanding cooperation with non-governmental organizations and international experts, increasing the publicity of our work, promoting our results, as well as closer cooperation with other working groups in EUROSAI and INTOSAI”, - Olga Pishchanska said.

During the Governing Board meeting and the EUROSAI Congress, the Chairwoman of the Accounting Chamber reported in detail on the activities of the Working Group within the framework of three main strategic goals: professional development of auditors, disaster prevention and effective external communication.

In particular, according to her, for the sake of professional development, the Working Group held several seminars and workshops on the exchange of experience between the participating countries. A survey was also conducted to identify the needs for methodological materials and update the group’s products, and based on the audits of the last five years, a matrix of disaster audits, a database of audits, and a database of issues of these audits were created.

In the field of disaster prevention, four annual meetings of participants and two seminars were held. The Working Group, taking into account the interests of other SAIs, has started work on the development of guidelines for the audit of damage assessment caused by international armed conflicts/armed aggressions and practical recommendations for conducting audits of probable damage assessment and minimizing the negative consequences of disasters.

Also, reporting on the activities of the Working Group for effective external communication, Olha Pishchanska noted that the materials on the group’s achievements were actively presented at the meetings of the EUROSAI Governing Board in Lisbon and Vilnius and were covered in specialized publications and on the website of the Accounting Chamber.


The head of the institution also spoke about the contents of the Strategic Plan of the EUROSAI Working Group for 2024-2027. In particular, according to Olga Pishchanska, the new activities of the Working Group will be carried out within the framework of the implementation of three Strategic Goals aimed at supporting innovations in audit activities, strengthening the institutional capacity of SAIs, and enhancement of knowledge exchange in audit activities.

“The implementation of the measures defined by the Strategic Plan will allow us not only to improve the audit methodology and increase the significance of our audits and the effectiveness of their recommendations, but also to strengthen cooperation between member countries, ensuring greater coordination and mutual assistance in responding to disasters. The implementation of this Strategic Plan will contribute to the realization of the goals of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan for 2024-2030”, Olha Pishchanska summarized.

Earlier the Activity Report and the Strategic Plan were also approved at the 10th meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes in Warsaw (Poland) on April 23.


The Accounting Chamber of Ukraine chairs the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes since 2014. As of May 2024, the Working Group unites 17 Supreme Audit Institutions, of which 15 SAIs are members of the Working Group and 2 SAIs are observers.