Audits for resilient futures: X OLACEFS–EUROSAI Joint Conference was held

12.07.2024 17:20

On the adaptation of public audit practice to global demographic trends, on their impact on climate change and access to resources, ways to strengthen state audit for stability and sustainability, vision of the possibilities of using new technologies in the public sector and in the work of supreme audit institutions, the impact of this process on efficiency and transparency of SAIs, issues of ethics of the digital world and privacy and data protection, in particular, were discussed during the 10th OLACEFS-EUROSAI Joint Conference, which was held recently in Mexico City (the United Mexican States).

The event was attended by representatives of supreme audit institutions from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, specialists from the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), experts from the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), scientists from the Institute of Geography of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and experts of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The Accounting Chamber was represented at the event by Serhii Kliuchka, Deputy Chairman of the Accounting Chamber. Viacheslav Didkivskyi, Director of the Strategic Development, Quality Control and International Affairs Department, also took part in the conference.

Opening the conference, the Superior Auditor of the Mexican Federation, the OLACEFS Executive Secretary David Rogelio Colmenares Páramo, emphasized that sustainability is a key concept for the future of society and all institutions. It is about, among other things, the prevention and overcoming of the consequences of disasters, the protection of the population and the consequences of technological progress.

The common goal of EUROSAI and OLACEFS is to work together to improve accountability systems in the context of crises and risks. In particular, in this context, the key topics for discussion were topics related to the role of SAIs in preventing natural disasters, the need to take into account the consequences of climate change in the work of SAIs, support for the most vulnerable categories of the population during disasters, etc.

Also on the sidelines of the conference, Deputy Chairman of the Accounting Chamber Serhii Kliuchka met with the Superior Auditor of the Mexican Federation, the OLACEFS Executive Secretary David Rogelio Colmenares Páramo.

Serhii Kliuchka thanked the head of the SAI of Mexico for the invitation to join the conference. The parties discussed the peculiarities of the work of the institutions, in particular, the ways of preventing corruption risks, shared the experience of using IT technologies in work and outlined the ways of future cooperation.

Among other things, Serhii Kliuchka emphasized that Ukraine has been chairing in the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes for ten years. Recognizing the achievements of the Working Group, the XII EUROSAI Congress on May 27 of this year extended its activities under the chairmanship of the Accounting Chamber for another three years. The SAI of Mexico also chairs a working group with a similar focus in the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (GTFD OLACEFS). Therefore, the Deputy Chairman of the Accounting Chamber invited his colleagues from the SAI of Mexico to join the annual meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group, which will be held next year. The parties also discussed the possibilities for signing the Memorandum on Cooperation between the Ukrainian and Mexican SAIs.

“I am convinced that cooperation between SAIs within the framework of joint conferences of our regional organizations will contribute to the exchange of experience and knowledge in the field of audit of public resources, which are used to solve priority issues of security and welfare of the population of our countries. And the central theme of this year’s conference is undoubtedly a reflection of the tasks that our institutions face in view of the current regional and global challenges of our countries,” Serhii Kliuchka summarized.

As part of the working trip to Mexico, the Deputy Chairman of the Accounting Chamber Serhii Kliuchka also met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Mexico, Panama, Belize, Guatemala and Costa Rica, Oksana Dramaretska. During the meeting, they discussed opportunities to promote the cooperation of the Accounting Chamber with the SAIs of these countries.