EUROSAI Goals: The Accounting Chamber presented the achievements of the Working Group on Disasters and Catastrophes

07.03.2025 14:33

Ways and methods of implementing the EUROSAI’s Strategic Goals for 2024-2030, the challenges faced by Supreme Audit Institutions in this process, as well as new initiatives were discussed during the First Joint Meeting of the Strategic Goals 1 and 2 in the framework of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan*. The working meeting of auditors took place on 5-6 March in Bratislava (the Slovak Republic).


*The EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2024-2030 contains EUROSAI’s mission, vision and values and its two Strategic Goals, together with several principles and measures for the Organization’s enhanced governance and modus operandi.

Strategic Goal 1 (SG 1): Supporting effective, innovative and relevant audits by promoting and brokering professional cooperation. Co-led by the SAI of Lithuania (Governing Board member) and the SAI of Germany.

Strategic Goal 2 (SG 2): Helping SAIs deal with new opportunities and challenges by supporting and facilitating their institutional capacity development. Co-led by the SAI of Sweden (Governing Board member) and the SAI of Poland.

The event, which was organized by the Supreme Audit Institutions of Lithuania, Germany, Poland and Sweden, brought together 55 participants from 24 countries. The representatives of the Accounting Chamber: Liliia Prudyvus, Deputy Head of the Environmental Protection Control Divison of the Agricultural Industry, Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Control Department and Viktoriia Boichenko, Deputy Head of the Agricultural and Industrial Complex Control Division of the Agricultural Industry, Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Control Department, took part in the event.

During the meeting, representatives of the EUROSAI working groups shared the results of their activities, in particular, the auditors of the Accounting Chamber spoke about the achievements of the Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes, which the Accounting Chamber has led since 2014.

Among the key achievements is the recently completed parallel audit on forest protection against fires, conducted jointly with the SAIs of Lithuania and Georgia, which is a contribution to the achievement of one of the objectives of the EUROSAI Strategic Goal 1.

The organizers noted the importance of the contribution of the Working Group both to the implementation of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2024-2030 and the previous activity plan of the organization, especially valuable are the methodological documents developed by the group for auditors in the field of disaster prevention and elimination of consequences.

During the meeting, effective methods for implementing the EUROSAI Strategic Goals were also discussed, including developing the professional potential of auditors, strengthening the institutional capacity of SAIs, and enhancing knowledge exchange.

The auditors also presented new initiatives that are currently being implemented in cooperation between individual SAIs of member countries to achieve the EUROSAI Strategic Goals.