The Member of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine Vasyl Nevidomyi took part in the 7th meeting of the representatives of Audit Authorities of countries – participants of the project TESIM ENI CBC/NEXT within the programmes of cross-border cooperation Interreg Next 2021–2027, which was held in Cagliari (the Republic of Italy).
The audit network of TESIM ENI CBC (the project of technical support for the implementation and management of cross-border cooperation programmes) brings together audit authorities and selected members of audit teams from participating countries to cooperate, share experience and find solutions to solve common problems in many areas.
This year, the participants of the event focused on the assessment of annual audit reports and conclusions on the implementation of cross-border cooperation programmes for 2021/2022, recommendations on future audit work and the closure of individual implemented programmes of ENI CBC project. In addition, attention was also paid to the results of audits of current ENI CBC programmes and the prospects of audit activities under the cross-border cooperation programmes of the European Neighborhood Instrument Interreg NEXT, in particular the key challenges of audits, plans for the next year and main novelties.
On the first day of the meeting, representatives of the audit authorities discussed the experience of countries participating in the programmes ENI MED (ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme”) on the management of audit processes within the cycle of implementation of ENI CBC and presented their work on managing the audit process throughout the program implementation period. The participants were acquainted with the main results of the audit of annual reports and accounts, considered the applied auditing practices for evaluating cross-border cooperation programmes and presented the initial results of the analysis of individual infrastructure projects.
On the second day of the event, the parties discussed the current state of implementation of the programmes Interreg NEXT 2021–2027, approaches and key requirements for project audits, system audits and their planning. While exchanging opinions, the participants emphasized the first results and conclusions regarding the use of practical tools when conducting system audits in 2021–2027.
While working in groups, the participants of the event considered the most important innovations related to general approaches to the implementation of new methods of managing the use of funds in 2021–2027 in the Interreg NEXT programmes.
The Interact project support group presented a number of guides to improve audit activities on system audits, audits of projects and account audits for the new program period.
The Member of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine Vasyl Nevidomyi together with stakeholders discussed the main achievements of auditors of the Accounting Chamber as part of audit teams under four programmes of transnational and cross-border cooperation of the European Neighborhood Instrument of the Interreg Next 2021–2027: “Ukraine – Poland”, “Ukraine – Romania”, “Ukraine - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania», “Black Sea Basin”.