The first trainers of the Accounting Chamber, after special studies, started to train their colleagues on the specifics of working with international standards, which are reflected in the ACU's methodologies. The initial series of trainings covers the specifics of financial audit and includes topics ranging from understanding the auditee and its environment to risk assessment and fraud risk identification.
The trainers of the ACU were previously trained with the support of the EU Project “Strengthening Capacities in External Audit in Line with International Standards” (EU4ACU). They received training certificates. Two internal trainers are currently undergoing certification.
«These are the first trainings and the first trainers we have trained within the Project. We were pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm of your specialists, their desire for growth and development, as well as their aspiration to improve the work of the Accounting Chamber in general», said Inguna Sudraba, Team Leader of the EU4ACU Project.
During the first two days, 20 ACU professionals participated in the training. The further training schedule will be formed according to the requests and needs of the institution's staff, said Inguna Sudraba.
For reference:
The Project “Strengthening Capacities in External Audit in Line with International Standards (EU4ACU)” is part of the Financing Agreement for Public Financial Management Support to Ukraine - EU4PFM Program. The main goal of the Project is to ensure more efficient oversight of public resources through enhanced capacities in external audit of budget funds.