" Your support strengthens our capacity": Olha Pishchanska met with experts from the Centre for Audit Excellence (USA)

20.05.2024 18:30

Experts of the Centre for Audit Excellence (CAE) of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) will conduct a new training class on Advanced Interviewing Skills at the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine and participate in working meetings with audit teams involved in audits, which are held with the advisory support of American experts.

The activities are implemented within the framework of the international technical assistance "Accounting Chamber Capacity Building Project" (supported by the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

On 20 May, the Сhairwoman of the Accounting Chamber, Olha Pishchanska, met with the Centre's experts Joseph Christoff and Eileen Larence. Welcoming the partners to Ukraine, Olha Pishchanska thanked them for supporting the institution, noting that Ukrainian auditors closely follow the news of their American colleagues and study their experience outside of the training.

"Your help is very important to us. Thanks to such trainings, auditors develop new approaches to conducting audits and choosing topics. Your control measures are an example for us. We also have to form a strategic view of all the processes taking place in Ukraine," the Сhairwoman of the Accounting Chamber said.

In his turn, Joseph Kristoff, an expert of the Centre for Audit Excellence of the US Government Accountability Office, noted that the training was organised due to the need of Ukrainian auditors to study in-depth such audit tools as interviews.

Earlier, the experts of the Centre for Audit Excellence (CAE) held three sessions for the auditors of the Accounting Chamber, during which Ukrainian specialists had the opportunity to exchange experience with their American colleagues and improve their practical competences in audit planning.  

In addition, during the previous sessions, with the advisory assistance of the US colleagues, Ukrainian auditors developed plans (matrices) for five audits, the last of which is scheduled to be completed in 2024.

For reference:

The Center for Audit Excellence (CAE) of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) in partnership with USAID Mission to Ukrainehas been providing technical support to the Accounting Chamber in the framework of "The Accounting Chamber Capacity Building Project" to strengthen its capacity for conducting quality audits since June 2023 and is expected to last for three years. The purpose is to strengthen the institutional independence and audit practices of the Accounting Chamber in accordance with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI).