The indicators of the effectiveness of the cooperation are measured by the quality of the Chamber's reports: Olha Pishchanska on the results of joint work with EU4PFM

09.10.2024 18:36

The interim results of cooperation with the European Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM) and expectations for further initiatives were discussed on 9 October at a meeting between the Chairwoman of the Accounting Chamber, Olha Pishchanska, and the EU4PFM auditors, Tetiana Kornieieva and Volodymyr Dubrovskiy. The meeting was also attended by the heads of specialised departments of the Accounting Chamber and acting Secretary of the Accounting Chamber - Chief of Staff Vasyl Nevidomyi.

The audit mission conducts an independent assessment of the Programme's performance in the areas of cooperation of the Accounting Chamber with Component 4 of the EU4PFM Programme –“Horizontal Functions and Management”, as well as with the Project "Strengthening Capacities in External Audit in Line with International Standards (EU4ACU)".

The Chairwoman of the Accounting Chamber highly appreciated the results of the work with international experts and noted that the Accounting Chamber would need to continue this support in the future. Thus, answering the questions of the Project's auditors, Olha Pishchanska noted that cooperation with the components played a significant role in strengthening the institution's capacity and laid the foundation for the start of its effective reform. In particular, the most important results of the projects were the improvement of process management in the Accounting Chamber, development of methodological and methodological documents that allow the Accounting Chamber to conduct audits in accordance with INTOSAI standards, development and implementation of a strategic planning system, hot-review and cold-review quality assessment, etc.

“The quality of the Accounting Chamber's audits and reports today, compared to what they were before, is the most vivid illustration of the effectiveness of our cooperation so far. Therefore, it should continue. Currently, the processes of reforming the Accounting Chamber are accelerating. In the coming years, if the Verkhovna Rada decides to expand our powers, there will be a need to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Accounting Chamber, and we will need further support from international experts,” said Olha Pishchanska.

As for the concrete expectations from the further cooperation, Olha Pishchanska expressed her opinion that the most popular areas of cooperation would be advisory support and training on audits, study visits in the field, expert assistance in the drafting of by-laws and regulations necessary for the proper implementation of the updated legislation on the Accounting Chamber, support in the further improvement of the organisational structure, implementation of the system of competencies for auditors, improvement of the IT infrastructure and IT support for the management of the Chamber.

Separately, the Chairwoman of the Accounting Chamber noted that it would be useful to have the assistance of international experts in raising the awareness of local governments about the functions and role of the Accounting Chamber in the structure of state financial control in Ukraine. 

For information:

In 2020-2024, two components of the EU4PFM programme were implemented in the Accounting Chamber within the framework of the Financing Agreement for Support to Public Financial Management in Ukraine - EU4PFM.

Component 4 "Horizontal Functioning and Management" was officially launched in March 2020. The Project aimed to support public financial management institutions in Ukraine in developing and implementing modern human resource management practices, including the implementation of anti-corruption measures, adaptation and automation of business processes, improvement of organisational structures and practices, and strengthening the capacity of public financial management institutions in Ukraine to plan, implement and monitor reforms.

The EU4ACU project started in September 2020. The Project's areas of activity include legislative alignment and regulatory changes, institutional development, improvement of audit methodologies, strengthening of oversight mechanisms and communication of key results of the Accounting Chamber's work (monitoring of recommendations).