International audits


Supreme Audit Institutions (hereinafter - SAIs) of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Poland and Ukraine conducted international coordinated audit on protection of the Bug River catchment area from pollution in 2006 (in hydrography of Belarus and Ukraine Bug River is called Western Bug River)

International Coordinated Parallel Audit of Public Debt Management Information Systems

During 2013-2014 the Supreme Audit Institutions of Brazil, Bulgaria, Fiji, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Yemen, and Zambia (hereinafter – the participating SAIs) carried out the International Coordinated Parallel Audit of Public Debt Management Information Systems under the current Strategic Plan of the INTOSAI Working Group on Public Debt (WGPD). The SAIs of China, Egypt, Mexico and Russian Federation took part in the project as observers. The present audit has been conducted on the basis of the Common Parallel Audit Programme 1, elaborated in 2012 by the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine (as parallel audit coordinator), according to the International Standards for Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) and best national practices. Summaries of national audit reports, developed by the participating SAIs within the framework of the parallel audit, complement the Joint Parallel Audit Report.

International Coordinated Audit (Control) of Public Funds, Allocated to Prevention and Consequences Elimination of Disasters and Catastrophes

The Joint Report on the International Coordinated Audit (Control) of Public Funds, Allocated to Prevention and Consequences Elimination of Disasters and Catastrophes, is based on the results of the national audits (controls), conducted by eight SAIs in this area in the framework of the EUROSAI Task Force on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes.

A cooperative audit “National parks”

The cooperative audit of national parks was performed in 2013–2014 and involved the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, and Ukraine. The report builds on the seven individual national audit reports.

Cooperative audit “Adaptation to climate change – are governments prepared?”

This cooperative audit is based on eight individual national audit reports from Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia and Ukraine, and a factfinding study by the European Court of Auditors.

Coordinated Parallel Audit on Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution

The participants of audit included SAIs of: Republic of Turkey, Republic of Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russian Federation and Georgia. The audit coordinator: SAI of Ukraine.

The parallel audit “Programmes/measures aimed at increasing the employment of disabled persons”

The parallel audit “Programmes/measures aimed at increasing the employment of disabled persons” was coordinated by the SAI of Poland (NIK). In the Common Position it was established, that the audit performed within the coordinated audit would be based on INTOSAI auditing standards and the national auditing standards and guidelines of the twelve SAI.

EUROSAI Audit on Climate Change

The present audit was carried out on the basis of the Common Position on Cooperation for Coordinated Parallel EUROSAI Audit on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as the Common Position on Cooperation), signed by the representatives of 10 Supreme Audit Institutions, the members of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing, on 16 January 2009 in Warsaw.

Parallel Audit on Protection of the Waters in the Bug River Catchment Area from Pollution

In 2006, the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Poland and Ukraine conducted a parallel audit “Protection of the Bug River Drainage Basin Waters against Pollution”. The audit was conducted based on cooperation agreements signed between the Ukrainian Accounting Chamber and the Supreme Chamber of Control of the Republic of Poland, Ukrainian Accounting Chamber and the State Audit Committee of the Republic of Belarus and between the State Audit Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the Supreme Chamber of Control of the Republic of Poland.

The Parallel Audit of Implementation of the Agreement on Transboundary Water Issues Signed by the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of Ukraine

Proceeding from the importance of the development of the Slovak-Ukrainian cooperation on the transboundary water issues and in accordance with the Agreement of cooperation signed by the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic and the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine on June 29, 2005 in Bratislava, the SAIs of the Slovak Republic and Ukraine carried out the Parallel Audit of Implementation of the Agreement on Transboundary Water Issues signed by the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of Ukraine.

Parallel Audit of Road Border Check Points on the Polish-Ukrainian Border

Parallel Audit of Road Border Check Points on the Polish-Ukrainian Border was carried out by the Supreme Chamber of Control of the Republic of Poland (hereinafter referred to as the NIK) and the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the ACU). On 9−12 March 2004, a delegation from the NIK paid a visit to the ACU to discuss forms of cooperation of the two institutions for the years 2004−2005. It was decided that in 2004 the NIK and the ACU would carry out a parallel audit of road border check points on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

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